All of us at TRUE believe we have the opportunity to do good in the world; a chance to give back and positively impact the lives of others. One of our favorite collaborations of all time was our partnership with the National MS Foundation on the MS Knit. We ended up donating over $30,000 to the organization and participated in their local events, auctions, and headlining MS Walk. This weekend, we get to venture back into the world of philanthropy in our new partnership with the Permission to Start Dreaming (PTSD) Foundation.

The Permission to Start Dreaming Foundation is committed to finding the best tools and training to enhance the mind, body and spiritual wellbeing of our nation’s veterans, first responders and their family members. We believe they should be provided the very best programs that help restore their lives and overcome the trauma they face while serving their country and communities.

"It takes Partnerships with our Compassionate Allies, like TRUE linkswear, to Accomplish our mission while we are striving to help all our local combat veterans and first responders who are struggling with PTSD. We always say, It’s OK to struggle, just don’t do it alone…and that’s where the Permission To Start Dreaming Foundation comes in to try and fill that void." - Packy Rieder, Swing for a Soldier Director

Fourth of July weekend always boasts a myriad of sales, fireworks, and festivities; we ourselves love to indulge in all 3 (I mean, who doesn't), but sometimes honoring those who serve(d) gets lost in the fray. Taking a step back and remembering those who made the ultimate sacrifice of both body and mind was something we wanted to focus on in lieu of a gigantic sale.

"We couldn't be more excited to partner with an organization making such a difference in the lives of veterans and first responders. This initiative is extremely important to us, especially over Fourth of July Weekend, as we acknowledge and support those who make sacrifices day in and day out for our country." - Jason Moore, TRUE linkswear CEO | President

Through July 4th at 11:59PM, we're excited to run our 10/10 promotion; using promo code PTSD22, take 10% off all items in your order* and have another 10% donated directly back to the PTSD Foundation. Feeling particularly inspired this weekend? You can use code ALLFORPTSD to have the full 20% kicked back to the foundation.

In addition to our weekend-long promotion, our TRUE Ambassadors will be wearing custom made Lux Pro's this weekend at the John Deere Classic. Keep an eye out for Ryan Moore, Dylan Wu, and more as they sport these handcrafted one of a kind models. Want to snag your own pair? You can enter to win on our website and/or follow us on Instagram. 2 pairs total available.